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Showing posts from 2010

Humpty Dumpty

Reuben is a climber.  I have been trying to eliminate the things that he has been using as stepping stools lately, but I lost the battle.  Last night I was going to run out for an hour of mommy time.  On my way out the door I started to say, "Jordan!  You've got one on the counter again!" Mid sentence I saw him fall.  I think I screamed louder than he did.  I got Reuben some ibuprofen, and he pretty much sat for the rest of night.  This morning he just wasn't himself.  He was touchy, not as active and kept his right arm very close to his body.  Since he slept through the night and didn't appear to be in constant pain I figured he had a bad sprain something minor, but I knew I should take him in.  Jordan agreed and had to go with since I can't really do x-rays in my condition.  The verdict: Reuben broke both bones in his right arm at his wrist.  They can't do a cast today because of the swelling so he has a splint.  The doctor is pleasantly surprised with

Goodnight Kiss

I am all sentimental lately...the season, the hormones, the exhaustion...a combo probably.  My body hurts, and I want the next six weeks to go by.  I also want to meet the new little personality that God thought our family would not be complete without!  Then I look at the three little ones that are in front of me and I think life is pretty great, and I am not ready for a change yet!  I cry when I think of the adjustment Reuben has ahead of him.  (I told Jordan I wanted to have this baby at home so that I didn't have to leave him.  Jordan didn't acknowledge this suggestion with a reply.)  Audrey was talking about Christmas decorations the other day.  I cried again, and I am not sure why.  There are days when sitting in a hospital bed watching Christmas movies while people bring me food sounds like heaven.  Then I think about watching "It's a Wonderful Life" from a hospital and I know I would be a complete mess before I get to the telegram from Sam Wainwright!  I

Another pregnancy moment brought to you by baby 4

I ran out of make up.  I had powder and that was it for two weeks.  My sister and husband said that they didn't notice which makes me wonder if I go through the entire ritual for my self (and Audrey who notices if I change my socks!)  The other night Jordan needed something at the mall so I thought this is my chance.  I sat at the make up counter and asked to get hooked up with some color.  The lady there helped me pick out some eye shadow.  Pleased with her recommendation I said it was time to move on to my cheeks.  She started then paused and asked "Can we first wipe the BBQ sauce off your nose?" 

Welcome Raj!

Each year for the past 5 years our church has hosted an international conference for church leaders around the world.  This year close to 100 leaders from around the globe are coming to Ames for two weeks!  Ames couldn't host everyone so a few got shipped out to the Des Moines area and for the next two weeks we are hosting a man from Nepal (between India and China.)  Raj (his name is much longer, but he is gracious with us since we can't pronouce the whole thing!) arrived this weekend after traveling three days down to the plains of Iowa from "The top of the world!" (Nepal is home to 8 or the worlds 10 highest mountains.) Raj speaks English very well, and Jonah's world has been broaded to the fact that people speak more than just English and Spanish!  Raj is a pastor in the capital city of Kathmandu, a city of about 5 million.  His church there runs a ministry helping children caught in sex trafficing to India.  He will spend three more weeks traveling the states

Quote of the Week...

Here are a few sound bites from our world this week.  You pick your favorite. We had our energy audit this week to see where we can save on heating before the winter.  The man had to run back to his SUV to get a ladder to check the attic.  When he came back the kids were lined up as if they had never seen a ladder before.  He walked in asked "So are you guys trying to keep up with the Duggers or what?"  Yes, we are only 15 behind them, but give us 10 years and we should be close! As I often do if I have to leave the floor that the kids are on I tell Jonah "I am going to switch the laundry.  Can you keep an eye on Reuben and Audrey for me?"  He likes the power, but I didn't realize how much until this week when I heard him say very seriously to his sister "Did you hear that Audrey?   I am the, the mayor and the president."  He thinks pretty highly of his position as older brother! We had a picnic at the airport with friends on Tuesday. 

A pregnancy moment

I should not be blogging now.  I should be unloading groceries or making supper, but there are no groceries in the house yet today.  Today I had my first episode of "Pregnancy Brain" for this round.  Not bad since I am 6 months into it, but it has been a morning. Jonah had class this morning and he likes to be the first one there.  I didn't mind being a little early because there was a teacher I hoped to talk to.  She wasn't there this morning, I got my times mixed up and Jonah ended up being at class 20 minutes early.  Oops!  I would have stayed and waited with him, but he is very independent about these classes and pushed me out.  So the little two and I headed out to run errands.  We waisted some time at Campbell's and then headed for Hy-Vee to get groceries.  We have a couple hours (plus 20 minutes this time!) so we were in no hurry.  We got all situated at Hy-Vee, and then I realized that I left my list in the van.  I had a lot of not normal groceries tha

I'll laugh later...

My two favorite quotes of the night: Sniff...sniff...sniff..."Mommy, can you remember why I am crying?"  Audrey if you can't even remember what you are crying about this time maybe you can stop! "Mommy!"   "Mommy!"  "Mooommmy!"  I got into her room and she smiles, "Mommy aren't I doing a good job of laying in my bed quietly?"  Yes, Audrey until you started yelling for me at the top of your lungs and even though you have gotten out of bed twice to check on me, you were doing great at being quiet.

Jonah's 1st day of classes!

I don't have time to write a lot, but wanted to get a couple of pictures up for Nana and Gramma!  Jonah was more than ready for class this morning.  He woke Jordan up at 5:30!  I don't know if he went back to sleep or not.  I had nightmares about this event all night long including one where he was hungry and no one would let him have a snack so I feed him 2 breakfasts this morning  :)  Good thing I did because he came home starving!  He wanted to be the first one to class so we were there early. He started with PE and sat in the middle of the gym and waited for the other kids.  The report we got: PE was long and wore him out, no games, just exercise!  He has homework from his writing class. His Spanish teacher talks loud!  He had to wait his turn after Caleb to go potty He is ready to go back on Thursday.  He had no problem leaving me (I had trouble leaving him though.  I called Jordan and said I wanted to get him his own cell phone!  Not happening just a slight overrea

Growing Up

It happened to me during pregnancy two and three so I am not surprised that it has happened during the fourth as well!  I get a little sentimental about my babies growing up and not being babies anymore.  There were more than a few extra kisses, hugs and "I love you"s this week.  If I keep laying the sugar on this thick until the baby comes I think that the kids are going to be sick!  I have always liked putting my babies to bed.  We have a sweet little routine, and this week I rocked and rocked Reuben.  We both loved it.  I am however trying to make him walk and hold my hand a little more often.  The bigger each of us gets the harder it is getting for me to carry him.  Not only is it getting a little awkward, but it is getting a little painful too!  I babysat a two month old this week, and it made me glad that I four months before baby.  I look back four months at how much more he can do and say and it makes me a little less nervous for this winter.  (I say a little.  He wi

Crazy good week!

I was prepared at the beginning of the week for it to be crazy and maybe a little too crazy, but looking back we had a great week. We were on seizure watch right off the bat because Reuben got sick again but no such thing!  I am not sure if it was all the attention I paid to his electrolytes, and I am not sure that we will ever know if that is exactly what trips his seizure threshold.  That is what we watched, and we had a positive outcome.   Hooray! I have been on a declutter kick the last two weeks, and we made a hasty decision to have a garage sale on Thursday and Friday.  It was a success!  I have always thought that you make about the same if you price high and sell less or price low and sale more.  The only difference is how much you have left after the garage sale.  I priced low and we nearly sold out!  Having participated in garage sales before it is always amazing what sales and what doesn't.  Jordan's clothes were hot, and I got rid of an entire box of CDs some of t


I have had a few people ask what we are doing with Jonah for school this year.  We are doing a couple of different things.  We began using a curriculum called My Father's World  in July.  For the most part I like it.  I had researched it quite a bit so there have not been a lot of surprises.  I am figuring out how to tweak it to fit him and adding some math as needed because I thought that we could step it up a notch there.  Jonah has had a pretty good attitude about the whole thing, and that has been one of my main goals.  Most kids his age are excited about school and so curious and eager to learn that I just don't want to squelch that!  We started early so that we can take a chunk of time off for Christmas and baby this winter without extending school too far into summer!  I have been taking advantage of the fact that he loves to be read to and spend a little Jonah/Mommy time each day reading chapter books.  We just finished "Little House in the Big Woods" and have

Raspberry Cream Muffins

1 cup fresh raspberries 3/4 cup plus 2 Tbs sugar 1/4 cup butter softened 1 egg 1/2 tsp almond extract 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 2 1/4 cups flour 3 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup half-and-half cream 1 cups finely chopped vanilla or white chips 2 Tbs brown sugar In a small bowl, toss the raspberries with 1/4 cup sugar; set aside.  In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and 1/2 cup sugar.  Beat in egg and extracts.  Combine the flour, baking powder and salt; add to creamed mixture alternately with cream.  Stir in chips and reserved raspberries. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups 3/4 full.  Combine brown sugar and remaining sugar; sprinkle over batter.  Bake at 375 for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes our clean.  Coll for 5 minutes before removing from the pan to wire rack.  Serve warm.

Creamed Chicken 'n' Biscuits

Biscuits: 2 cups flour 1 Tbs baking powder 1 tsp salt 2/3 milk 1/3 vegetable oil Creamed Chicken: 1/4 cup chopped onion 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup flour 1/4-1/2 tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper 2 cups milk or chicken broth 2 cups cooked chicken, chopped Minced fresh parsley In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking power and salt; add milk and oil.   Stir until the dough forms a ball.  On a lightly floured surface, knead 8-10 times or until smooth. Roll or pat dough into a 6 inch square about 1 inch thick.  Cut into 2 rectangles.  Place on a lightly greased baking sheet.  Bake at 450 for 10-12 minutes or until biscuits are golden brown. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, saute the onion in butter until tender.  Stir in flour, salt and pepper until blended.  Gradually add milk; bring to a boil.  Reduce heat; cook and stir mixture for 1-2 minute or until thickened.   Stir in the chicken and parsley; cook until heated through.  Split biscuits and top with creamed chicken.

Audrey's Zingers

Just a few things I wanted to get written down before I forget them.  Audrey has made me laugh more than a few times lately!  She always says what is on her mind! We needed to go to Menard's this week. Prior to our departure Jordan went around and around with her about her footwear.  She wanted flip flops; he wanted her Nike sandals.  Jordan won.  He was getting her out of her car seat and said, "Come here, Pretty."  She pouted, "I am not pretty; I am wearing Nikes!"  She is so dramatic! This morning Audrey greeted me as I was getting out of the shower.  I went to my closet to get dressed and she asked, "Mommy, can you please wear something pretty today?"  Apparently she does not like my current maternity attire of mesh shorts and t-shirts! I have found that one way to get things done on a day when naps seem to be running short is to offer an ultimatum: Clean the toy room or go back to bed.  Audrey opted to clean with me and was surprisingly help

Reuben Update

Quick update before my day spins out of control!  Reuben is doing awesome!  Not quite eating and sleeping normally but otherwise he is back to himself.  When we went to the Dr on Friday morning he was really impressed by Reuben's progress and was surprised to tell us that we weren't going down for an MRI!  (By the way, very impressed both with our pediatrician and the Mercy staff and the communication between the two!) People have asked how we are doing as parents.  I was paranoid for the first bit, but I settling down!  A lot of the first stress was due to the skills he lost there for a bit.  It is so helpful that Jordan's nephew and neice have been down this road.  They are both smart, happy, crazy kids so it is easy to expect no different here!  There will be a few milestones that I will be happy to hit.  One week without any seizures, one month, one year!  Today is a big dig out day.  Laundry, groceries and a ton of thank you notes to those who helped us out!

Reuben's seizure story

My goal is that this post not be as long as the last couple of days have been, but I make no promises! Wednesday morning Reuben had the first of two seizures at home.  He was playing in the kitchen when I heard the unmistakable sound of head hitting hard wood.  It was not followed by a cry so I went to him to see why.  He was lying on the floor seized with his eyes rolled back.  I would like to say that handled the situation calmly, but I went into hysterics.  I called 911 while I told Jonah to go get our neighbor across the street.  He was calm and did great!  (Thankfully he may have more Jordan in him than me when it comes to situations like this!)  Reuben's lips started turning blue then he started thrashing but breathing and then it was over.  I don't know how long it lasted.  I know I was frustrating the 911 operator!  My neighbor came as well as the EMTs.  I managed a quick (and I am sure confusing call) to my sister to send my mom and repeatedly call Jordan until she

The great business of Summer

Summertime is such a good busy.  We have had another great week.  Our first week of school went well.  I was a little too excited about completing it.  I think it is because I feel rarely complete anything at my stage of life, and so it was good to know we can do something for five whole days in a row.  Plus the kids have something to show daddy every night when he comes home to prove we did something productive with our day.  Double bonus! This last week we had the privilege of hosting Jordan's Grandma for a few days. It was great!  The kids absolutely loved having her, well the older two at least.  Reuben wasn't so sure.  I should have kept track of the time that she spent pushing them in the swing and playing hide-n-go seek.  I am afraid we wore her out!  I fed her food she had never had in her 84 years, but she graciously ate it anyway!  She got to "do school" with us which I think (I hope anyway!)  she enjoyed!  We took her to see Jordan's cube at KJ.  I re

A great weekend...and then came Monday

We had a great weekend.  Jordan has a big project going on right now and so it was so encouraging Friday to get the news that he passed the FE exam that he took back in April. I am so happy for him; it is such a weight off his mind! Jonah finally got to have his long time promised sleep over with his best buddie on Friday night.  It was fun to watch those little guys play.  I got to spend a lot of time with Audrey since she was the third wheel!  Reuben was back to normal after what was weeks of not feeling well due to teeth and then that crazy virus.  I told Jordan is was so nice to enjoy him again.  Jordan and I got to get away on Sunday thanks to my sisters' provision of childcare!  We went to a Dino concert and out to supper.  Not for everyone, but we enjoyed ourselves!  Jordan was a little worried I was going to fall asleep, but a piano concert is very relaxing!  We were not your average attendee.  Most were a bit "wiser" than we.  I told Jordan it would have been i

Now I lay me down to sleep

 Jordan and I were talking the other night as we were checking on the kids before we went to bed. I think that it is kind of funny that we each check as if one might have missed something! Truth be told we love to watch them sleep! I don't know about Jordan (we don't always check together!) but I always check on Audrey first.  What I love about watching Audrey sleep is how peaceful she is,   This girl is never speechless, always thinking, questioning and giving instructions, but when I check on her at night...silence!  It is amazing!

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Jordan and I agree that even 4 months after getting his tonsils out, we still are surpised by the difference in Jonah's sleep. He used to be so restless his blankets looked like he had wrestled an alligator all night, and he snored so loudly. Now he is so still and quiet. (Not to mention the difference we have noticed in both his speach and interaction with others; I cry if I think about it too much!)  While he used to end up in our room a few times a week he stays tucked away all night now (unless there is a crazy thunderstorm!)

Sleeping like a baby

I can't believe that I got a picture of him sleeping because Reuben sleeps so lightly, sometimes I can't make it all the way in his room before he stirs!  Jordan loves how Reuben becomes "one with the bed" and sleeps so sprawled out.  He takes up the whole crib!

Vos, Party of 6

I have been thinking about what to do with this blog post for a while now.  I have had various ideas what to say and how to say it.  I think that the best way is to do a FAQ list.  Here is everything that you may (and more likely than not may not) want to know. There is a couple of dangers in doing this specific post.  1)I don't want it to come across that I do not want to talk about the baby since I am writing about it.  I just was afraid that much of the conversation would get lost in cyberspace since we were announcing electronically.  2) I can be a little sarcastic at times and people might "hear" bitterness in some of my answers, but there is none there!  I did my best to proof this so that I do not offend anyone.  When are you due?   My EDD is December 29th.  Jordan thinks this is perfect as long as I have the baby by the 31st.  That way he gets the tax credit this year and gets to pay for it with Flex next year.  Since the other kids' birthdays are in '0

Signs of the times

Jonah was sitting at the table yesterday and said "Mom, I was thinkin' 'bout somethin'.  I want a girlfriend." "What?" "I want a girlfriend? "How about I just be your girlfriend?" "No, I want a little one." "Where did you hear about girlfriends" "Gramma let me borrow her DVD when I had my tonsils out and that boy had a little girlfriend.  I want one." I cannot think of what he watched or what might have reminded him about this concept. Audrey was running ahead on our walk yesterday "Look mom!  I can run fast and I don't even have things in my ears!"  I assume this means earbuds that would connect to her ipod!

Jonah and Audrey's Dr's Visits

Jonah and Audrey each had their physicals last week.  It was fairly uneventful (minus the vaccines which weren't necessarily routine for this age, but we are behind.  That part was traumatic!)  Audrey weighed in at 30lbs and was exactly 3ft tall (Nice easy numbers to remember for age 3, don't you think?)  They said that this made her short and stocky on the charts.  Maybe her "little" brother has thrown off my perception, but I just don't see it.  I think that they had the percentages off.  My big concern was the paci vs thumb debate that we have had going on.  At 3 she was supposed to give up her paci and turn it in for a Barbie.  She did so with surprising willingness, but sticks her in thumb in her sleep.  We have been at a loss since we fought the thumb battle once already and to NOT want to head back down that road again.  (It was amazing to compare how sick we all were before we took away that dirty thumb!)  The Dr agreed that the paci was better than the th

Birthdays, Dogs, Routines and Girls Night

Well, the Spring birthday marathon is now over. (I am kind of glad.  I couldn't eat anymore cake and so the last two gatherings have had alternative desserts!)  Audrey turned 3 this week and is already talking about when she will be four!  She has had fun extending her birthday out as many days as possible and prolonging her reign as queen.  When we were planning Jonah's birthday party (a combined party with a girl from church with their Sunday school class) Audrey informed us that she wanted her "friends" to come over.  She listed her friends as six 18-20 year olds that help her at church. She kept talking about it so I sent them an email, and they all humored her and came over for pizza and a trip to the park on Friday.  It was so sweet of them to come from Ames spend time with us.  Both Jonah and Audrey loved it. Jonah asked me more than once this week when he gets to go back to my sister's house because he found a new best friend in her dog, Gia.  So far Jor

Thanks Moms!

I just wanted to give a shout out to the two moms who are the reason I have my job.  I am not sure that I would be where I am today without the foundations that they laid.  Thanks Mom for staying at home with me.  Thanks for doing a good job!  My mom always talked up her job in front of us, and that made a huge impression on me.  I remember more than once my mom almost quit her part time job because the job was requiring too much and taking her away from our home.  She passed her value of motherhood on to me with her words and actions.  I couldn't stay at home without Jordan's full support.  He wants me at home with the kiddos, and I know the framework that he has for the importance of moms comes from his mom.  She also stayed home and raised her kids full time. She continues to throw out her encouragement in word and deed.  We have no "in-laws" in Jordan's family only "bonus" children and parents.  She is a great "bonus mom." So thanks Moms

Farmer Boy

Jonah wanted me to post this picture of the farm that he built on Friday.  He spent hours perfecting this fence system and wanted Grandpa and Uncle Mikey to see it!

My Happy Helper

Audrey helped me plant flowers in our new flowerbed beside the shed.  She has little purple gardening gloves to ensure that she doesn't get her hands dirty!

The First T-Ball Game!

Jonah had a blast Satuday at his T-ball game.  He slide into home everytime!  Once he got confused and headed to 3rd after he hit the ball instead of 1st, but he corrected nicely! 

April Showers and May Flowers

I cannot believe that we are almost done with April!  Spring has sprung and we are busy with all the fun things that that brings!  It is birthday season here and I am buying gifts and planning parties.  We have also started organized sports.  Jonah is in T-ball and I think that the direct quote is "It's AWESOME!"  I am glad that you add this craziness one kid at a time.  I know we will figure it out, but how do parents with more than one kid in a sport do it? Audrey is ready to be three.  She is practicing holding up three fingers.  The other day we were practicing all her info.  What is your name?  Where do you live?  etc.  When I asked her what her daddy's name was she replied, "Uncle Jordie!"  She loves hanging out with her older girl cousins.  For a girl who gives orders on a regular basis it is nice to watch her take a few too!  She will follow them anywhere! To say that Reuben loves the warmer weather is an understatement.  He will chase a ball aroun

From the mouth of babes

I was trying to explain the importance of keeping our hands out of our mouth while in line at Sam's Club this week.  "Our hands have germs, and germs will make you very sick!"  (Yuck, can you imagine the germs on their hands after shopping at Sam's!)  Audrey got very serious and said, "Did Grandpa Brouwer put his hands in his mouth?" Audrey always watches me put my make up.  She finds it fascinating.  The other day she asked my mom "Do you have an eyeball brush?"  (mascara)

Happy Easter!

I am so tried; we had another rapid weekend with family for Easter. Last week Jordan worked an insane amount of hours so he took off Friday to get some yard work done. He also caught a nap in the recliner with Audrey. It was so sweet! I have been told that this week will not be as intense! It was a good week of reflection of how we have learned to communicate in stressful weeks like this. Nine years of marriage and we are still learning, but at least we have made progress! We are so thankful during weeks like this that we live so close to Jordan's work so that we can sneak time in with daddy even if in passing! The kids and I spent the week doing daily Easter egg hunts with the Resurrection Eggs from Family Life. There is a really good book that goes along with it, and I think that it was helpful to go through the story slowly.  I would reccomend it for young kids for sure.  We will do it again next year.  Saturday we headed down to my parents' house. They were "graciou

No forgiveness here!

Jonah loves "Little Critter" books and was "reading" them to his brother and sister this morning. He was in the middle of I'm Sorry. Each time he would say what Little Critter did wrong and say "I'm sorry," and Audrey kept replying "I forgive you." Jonah rolled his eyes at her and said, "No, in this book we don't have to forgive!" :)

Reuben's One Year

Well, I was right Reuben was NOT 36 lbs like I was told a few weeks ago; he is a trim 27-9! Now all my fears that he would be classified as obese, never be able to get on private insurance, end up on a government run health care option and not get him the treatments that he would need are eased! I'll sleep better tonight! :) While the doctor was quick to remind me that he is not yet skinny he is slowing down and back on the charts at 96%. He is 29.5 inches (50%) and has a 75% head circumference. (And we did discuss the problem with the scale at the other clinic. He was actually more upset at the doctor who should have caught the 10 pound discrepancy. He was very happy that I didn't listen to the other doctor and did not give Reuben the prescribed drugs!) The doctor and I had a nice chat about government regulations of vaccines and testing. Interesting that he is frustrated as a physician and a tax payer! I talked to the doctor about the lack of fat in Reuben's diet since h

Garlic Oil Ear Infection Drops

A few people have asked for the recipe that I used this winter for ear infections.  I bought it at first, but then got this recipe from a friend.  (Thanks Christine!)  I know that this looks a little crazy, but antibiotics weren't working for Reuben and this did!  The only down side was that he always smelled like he just ate at The Olive Garden.  (He is either going to love Italian or hate it when he grows up!) 1/4 cup olive oil or sweet oil 4 cloves garlic finely minced Put in a pan on low heat and let warm for 15-20 min ~ the idea is not to cook the garlic but to release the oils.  Strain into a jar (preferably glass-I just used a baby food jar) and let cool. Drop 2-3 drops in each ear 2 or 3 times a day and put a small bit of cotton in the ear. Should clear things up in a day or two. The mixture will keep in your fridge for 3 - 4 days then you will need to make a fresh batch.  I don't put cold oil in the ears, but warm it up in a hot water bath first! 

One big happy family?

The Cake!

Not exactly how I had planned in my head but it worked, and I didn't hear anyone complain about it being dairy free cake!

Spring Update!

I had a huge week this week.  I told myself that I would get my Spring Cleaning done before Reuben's birthday party, and while "a woman's work is never done"  I can say that I successfully crossed everything off my list!  I am so happy with what got done, but I am toast now! Jonah has recovered great from his surgery, and is back in action.  No more living on tv, no more living on frozen sugar.  Wednesday he looked at me pleading "Mom, I need ice cream.  I haven't had it ALL WEEK!"  He made me laugh this week so many times.  I love just watching his wheels spin.  This week he looked at me and said "Mom, cows poop, and cows give milk, right?"  "Yes."  "Can we get milk from goats?"  As if goats don't poop?  Spring has sprung in Audrey's heart this week and she wants to wear shoes with no socks all the time.  We went to a baby shower for my cousin "just gurls, no boys."  Then she spent the night at Nana and

Happy Birthday Reuben!

I cannot believe that Reuben turns one this week!  I was looking through pictures and said to Jordan "Long nights, but a short year!"  Aunt Tori gave him his first haircut this week and now he looks like a little man.  I started to get a little sentimental about it, but it was actually short lived.  (Jordan is encouraging me to look a little more "glass half full"!)  Here is why I am happy to have a one year old: I know my baby so much better than I did a year ago. I know his personality and a few of his opinions!  He can communicate more effectively.  It helps to meet a baby's needs when he can tell you directly. A summer with a 1, 3 and 5 year old sounds exciting.  Swimming and walks, we are going to have a good time! Fewer all nighters!  He is doing so well with his nights!  He is more of a Jonah napper, but hooray for the nights! Reuben is working on his walking skills.  He took is first baby steps this week.  I would not call him a walker yet, but he w

Mr. 6 Pack!

Chubbers got into a fight with the fireplace.  The score after round one: Fireplace-1 Reuben -0.  So glad it missed his teeth!

Tonsils and Adenoids Fixed

Today was the big day! Our day really started last night. My mom came up so that we didn't have to haul Reuben and Audrey anywhere so early in the morning. Not that they were not up before the crack of dawn, but it was awesome not worrying about them. Thanks Mom!  Before bed I read the booklet that the doctor had given Jonah explaining what was going to happen. He seemed unphased and asked me to read it again. Then came the night. He came in our room around 1:00am asking if it was time to go. Jordan climbed into bed with him a little after 3:00 because he still was awake and very worked up! We got to the surgical center at 6:30 and we were done with paperwork, taking back to meet the Dr before 7:00. They wheeled him away at 7:15, his lip quivering. I managed to keep my tears hidden from him! They had him wear the "space mask" right away and then they put in his iv. I was so thankful that we didn't have to do the iv awake! The Dr came to find us a little before 8:00 t

Cloth Diapers, here I come?

This may be a boring blog entry, but no one is forcing you to read this so here it goes! A friend asked me a few years back "Have you ever thought about switching to cloth diapers?" "Are you crazy? No!" was my oh too quick response.  I had been around cloth diapers just enough to know that they were no longer pins and rubber pants like the good old days, but I had no intention of going down that road. I had heard people talk of wet bags and hemp inserts and did not wish to complicate my life in that way. Something changed, however, somewhere in during my third pregnancy. I think it was fearing that I would be buying diapers the rest of my life. I looked into it, but just enough to be sticker shocked by the "Cadillac" of cloth diapers ($20 a diaper!) I thought that it was going to be a huge investment and not worth the hassle since I hadn't started with Jonah.  I did however go back to my friend and tell her that I no longer thought that she was crazy

This update is for you Grandpa!

I don't have much to blog about today, but Jordan's grandpa just got a computer for his hospital stay I know that he will check up on me to see what I have been writing about so I feel I have to write about something! Many people told me that I would like the fact that the kids are close in age and this last month Jonah and Audrey have really played together well.  It is really fun to stand out of sight and listen in on their make believe.  I am really enjoying this stage with both of them. Jonah has decided that he likes he big tonsils and does not want to get them "fixed." (The phrase we have chosen over "removed.")  He has asked about the process, does not want them to use knives.  He does not want to go without his daddy.  He does not want to wear a space mask.  They gave him  a little book about the procedure and that is where he has gotten most of his ideas.  I put the book away for a few days. Audrey could not be more into her dolls.  She plays

Answers for Jonah

After almost a year of asking questions and waiting, asking and waiting we have a plan for Jonah's speech delay. I took him to his new pediatrician on Tuesday to explain our concerns (muddled tongue, wet speech, stutter, snoring, excess saliva) and he referred us to both an allergist and an ENT. By God grace we got in to both today! We went this morning to the allergist who did a scratch test on his arm for 40 different food and environmental allergens. Jonah was not allergic to anything! (He was a total wimp for the test though which was virtually painless compared to what they could have done!) This afternoon we went to the ENT to confirmed what I thought but had been told was fine. His tonsils and presumably adenoids are HUGE! The dr said that he is trying to talk with the equivalent of 3 large grapes in the back of his mouth making it hard for him to swallow, breath and speak. We could wait to see if he grows into them, but we agree with the doctors that it is not worth it si

Dan Wardell meets Audrey

Clifford the Big Red Dog was at the library the other day. Dan Wardell, the host of our public television station was there too and read books to the kids about Clifford. At the end of the story time all the kids got a chance to meet Clifford. We got in line with the rest of the herd but were to in the back half. It was Dan Wardell's job to walk up and down the line to do a little PR making the wait go more quickly for the kids and to maintain a little order. Mr. Wardell was talking to the kids a few families in front of us and when Audrey interrupted, "Dan Wardell! Those kids aren't taking turns!" Dan Wardell smiled and said that they were and she would get her turn soon. "I can see that you are a rule follower." He looked at me and then told her "That's good because the middle child has to make sure things are in order." I agreed and said that we really think that she has a great career ahead of her in law enforcement. Dan Wardell talked to h

Three Kids and a Two Kids World

For a while now I have said I should write down the crazy things people say to me when I am out with the kids.  I hope to come back and laugh at this someday, but I am constantly annoyed at the stupid things people say to me.  I don't remember the comments being that bad when it was just Jonah and Audrey, but since we added Reuben it has become clear that we crossed a line in this world of "two kids and no more."  It was first conveyed to me that I was crossing the line when I was pregnant with Reuben.  I was sitting at the doctor's office talking with a lady in her 50s.  When she realized I was pregnant and already had two she said.  "I am going to tell you what I told my daughter.  You need a television in the bedroom."  I did not have a snappy come back but found her comment inappropriate. "Wow! You have your hands full!"  I should count how many times that I hear that phrase alone.  If people are trying to be polite they word it "Wow!

Double Chocolate Mint Dessert

BROWNIE LAYER 1 C flour 1 C sugar 1/2 C butter (soft) 4 Eggs 1 1/2 C (16 oz can) Hershey's syrup MINT CREAM LAYER 2 C confectioners sugar 1/2 C butter (soft) 1 Tbs water 1/2 tsp mint extract 3 drops green food coloring (opt. and you can change the color for the event!) CHOCOLATE TOPPING 6 Tbs butter 1 C semi-sweet chocolate chips Heat over to 350 and grease a 9x13 inch pan.  In a large mixing bowl beat flour, sugar, butter, egg and syrup until smooth.  Pour into prepared pan.  Bake 25 to 30 minutes.  Cool completely.  In a small bowl, combine ingredients for mint cream layer and beat until smooth.  Spread on cooled brownie and chill.  Melt butter and chocolate chips and mix until smooth.  Pour over mint layer; cover and chill.

A Reuben Update

I took Reuben to Wolfe Eye Clinic today to have his right eye checked out. It does not always track with the left one and his ped thought we should have it looked at.  The eye Dr.s exact words: "I have good news for you!" He is just slightly far sided. He has a slight astigmatism and his right eye is a little slow. We do not need to do anything about any of this yet. The Dr. thinks that there is still time for all of these issues to correct themselves and doesn't want to see Reuben again for another year!  Hooray!

Chicken Stir-Fry Stew (From the book Nourishing Traditions)

1 lb chicken breasts cut into small pieces juice of 2 lemons about 1/2 C extra virgin olive oil or lard 1 cup peanuts 1 bunch green onion, sliced 2 large carrots, julienne 1 red bell pepper, julienne 1 C broccoli flowerets 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 tsp grated ginger 1 Tbs Rapadura or sugar 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes 2 Tbs soy sauce 1/8 C vinegar 2-3 C chicken stock 2 Tbs flour mixed with 2 Tbs water Marinate chicken pieces several hours in lemon juice. Remove and pat dry. Mix chicken stock with vinegar, soy sauce, pepper flakes, ginger, sugar and garlic and set aside. In a heavy skillet or wok, saute chicken over olive oil until cooked through. Using a slotted spoon transfer chicken to a bowl and reserve. Saute peanuts a minute or two (add more oil if necessary.) Add peanuts to chicken. Saute onions, carrots and pepper for two minutes (add more oil if necessary). Add sauce mixture to veggies and bring to a boil. Return chicken and peanuts to the pan and mix well.

They are growing up so fast!

I have heard it said of motherhood that they days are so long, but the years are so short. As I stopped this week and said aloud that I would soon have a 5, 3 and 1 year old I most certainly believe it! Reuben climbed up the stairs (with me behind him!) this week. The older two were so excited as the lay at the top cheering him on! He also started taking a paci which sounds backwards I know, but he was becoming very fond of his thumb, and we all know what a battle it is to get rid of those things! I am working really hard to switch his little internal clock so that he sleeps through MY night (getting up at 4:00 is getting very old but when he goes down at 6:30 I feel I had to go get him!) Last night I managed to keep him up until 8:00 and he slept until 6:30. I slept EIGHT hours in a row. I felt like a million bucks! We have thought that Audrey might have a future career in law enforcement because of her strong desire to make sure that everyone follows the rules and maintains order

Fresh Spinach Salad

Spinach, as wanted (I used bagged spinach the first time and I would use two bags!) 2 hard-boiled eggs 1/4 cup red onion, diced 2 Tbs bacon pieces Dressing: 1/2 C sugar (play with this, because I think that I would use a little less!) 1/4 vinegar 1 C olive oil 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce pinch of sea salt

Sugarless Apple Cookies.

3/4 C dates (chopped-mine came chopped) 1/2 C peeled apple (finely chopped) 1/2 C raisins 1/2 C water 1 C + 1 Tbs all-purpose flour 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp baking soda 2 eggs In a 2-qt saucepan, combine dates, aples, raisins and water.  Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes.  Remove from heat; cool.  (At this point I blened the mixture because my kids are texture people and I knew that any chunks would be spit back on the the plates!) Combine flour, cinnamon and baking soda.  Stir into apple mixure and mix well.  Add eggs and beat them in well by hand.  Drop by tablespoonfulls baking sheet.  Bake at 350 for 10-12 min. Audrey really liked these because I let her have cookies for breakfast.  I may try them in bar form because bars are so much faster than cookies!

Hold me to this!

Hi! My name is Tara and addicted to reading health books. I blame Jonah actually. You see this all started in October when Jonah had his second bowel obstruction. His pediatrician recommended reading "The Maker's Diet" since that I have been reading books and online. Then we have had all this allergy business between the boys and it has spun out of control! I have finished a book today, and I am NOT allowed to read another book until I read a book on another subject! Hold me to this! On the allergy note we are going to continue the gluten free diet for another couple weeks. The diet is ok when we are home, but it is so hard when others are providing food! I feel so bad for Jonah! We did find a gluten free carry out pizza here in Des Moines! I think that Jordan and I were more excited than Jonah! I sat down on Saturday and looked at my daily routine and how my days were actually going and I realized that I am trying to pack WAY to much in to my afterno

A Great Week

We had a great week this week. Looking back it would seem obvious that we should have had a great week. Jordan's mom and my mom came each came a day to play. We had a big play day on Thursday with our great friends from Ames (We mommies didn't get to get caught up as much as we would have liked, but we thought that surviving 6 kids between the two of us without any real issues or squabbles amongst the kids was a GREAT day!) I got a late Christmas massage on Thursday night and tonight I am looking forward to girls night! Why wouldn't this be a great week? But this week was great for other reasons too. The sunshine, warmer temps, good naps, good attitudes, I stayed caught up on the laundry (even getting it all put away!) and Jordan and I are spending a little time each evening getting caught up on "24"! Reuben has really responded well to his chiro treatments for his acid reflux. We don't have him on any meds now (NASTY diapers that were disrupting sleep-no, no!

The Faith of a Child

The last two mornings Jonah has asked me "Is Jesus coming back for us today? Tomorrow?" I do my best to explain that we don't know when He is coming back while not squelching his excitement and anticipation. I am in awe (and a bit humbled) at how real it is to him. I wish I could bottle up that simple faith for him for when he gets older. Amazing...

Surviving the Cold Snap!

We survived the cold snap this week! Jonah on Thursday told me "You never let me go outside anymore!" So I bundled him up and sent him out. I don't think that it lasted anymore than 10 minutes before he needed some hot chocolate! He did get to go out with Jordan and Audrey today. That trip lasted a little long! What a good daddy! Jordan played catch up at KJ a lot this week. I had a PC Show on Friday. Our midweek Bible study resumed on Wednesday so it felt like we started the New Year running! Jonah lost his voice randomly this week. We got a lot of cute quotes out of him. "Mom, my voice is in my tummy" "My voice disappeared!" "I want my old Jonah voice back!" It is coming back slowly. We will all be glad because we are all tired of asking "What?" Obviously I could work on anything speech related with Jonah because I couldn't hear him! Reuben's personality is really starting to show and two more teeth popped through! We went

A New Year Update

Well, so much for blogging every week. I was at first waiting for Reuben's test results and then I got busy with Christmas and now our computer is so painfully slow that I have not had the patience to write! Reuben has acid reflux. We have been taking him to the chiro and seen some positive results. They have given him a prescription, but we haven't been able to see any more results with the meds verse the chiro and believe it or not the chiro is cheaper. The chiro's comment about Reuben is constantly how strong he is! She is also working on his cranials to see if she can make any progress with his right eye, but she is also reiterating that we see an eye doctor if we don't get any where in two weeks. (Her daughter has had a similar problem so for some reason that is reassuring to me.) Jonah's speech appointment went so well. I felt like she got a very accurate picture of his abilities. She is going to check back in the spring because she really thinks it is a devel