Jonah and Audrey each had their physicals last week. It was fairly uneventful (minus the vaccines which weren't necessarily routine for this age, but we are behind. That part was traumatic!) Audrey weighed in at 30lbs and was exactly 3ft tall (Nice easy numbers to remember for age 3, don't you think?) They said that this made her short and stocky on the charts. Maybe her "little" brother has thrown off my perception, but I just don't see it. I think that they had the percentages off. My big concern was the paci vs thumb debate that we have had going on. At 3 she was supposed to give up her paci and turn it in for a Barbie. She did so with surprising willingness, but sticks her in thumb in her sleep. We have been at a loss since we fought the thumb battle once already and to NOT want to head back down that road again. (It was amazing to compare how sick we all were before we took away that dirty thumb!) The Dr agreed that the paci was better than the thumb. I asked if there was one that would be better for her He said the cheapest one possible because we need to save all our money for the orthodontist. How encouraging! Jonah is as fit as a fiddle! He is 90% in both height and weight and his tonsils have healed nicely. I have said it before, but I really like this pediatrician. It is nice when you find one you can trust.
This may be a boring blog entry, but no one is forcing you to read this so here it goes! A friend asked me a few years back "Have you ever thought about switching to cloth diapers?" "Are you crazy? No!" was my oh too quick response. I had been around cloth diapers just enough to know that they were no longer pins and rubber pants like the good old days, but I had no intention of going down that road. I had heard people talk of wet bags and hemp inserts and did not wish to complicate my life in that way. Something changed, however, somewhere in during my third pregnancy. I think it was fearing that I would be buying diapers the rest of my life. I looked into it, but just enough to be sticker shocked by the "Cadillac" of cloth diapers ($20 a diaper!) I thought that it was going to be a huge investment and not worth the hassle since I hadn't started with Jonah. I did however go back to my friend and tell her that I no longer thought that she was crazy...
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