I have been thinking about what to do with this blog post for a while now. I have had various ideas what to say and how to say it. I think that the best way is to do a FAQ list. Here is everything that you may (and more likely than not may not) want to know. There is a couple of dangers in doing this specific post. 1)I don't want it to come across that I do not want to talk about the baby since I am writing about it. I just was afraid that much of the conversation would get lost in cyberspace since we were announcing electronically. 2) I can be a little sarcastic at times and people might "hear" bitterness in some of my answers, but there is none there! I did my best to proof this so that I do not offend anyone. When are you due? My EDD is December 29th. Jordan thinks this is perfect as long as I have the baby by the 31st. That way he gets the tax credit this year and gets to pay for it with Flex next y...
A little slice of life from where our family lives!