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Showing posts from February, 2013

A "Spring" Field Trip

This morning when the kids woke up I told them to put on short sleeves because we had a surprise field trip. We met Gramma B and Gramma Great at the Botanical Center and got to pretend it was spring!   By the orchids   Lovely Lady (She has been waiting for short sleeve weather so that she can wear this sweater!)     Grandmas and the kids   Look at the fish!   Me and my babes!     What is this?      This inside of the fig   He looks as disturbed as I was to find out that they throw out the plants in the two themed beds every 6 weeks!  (We kind of wanted to take them home!)   Not sure if this is the wall's intended purpose!     What a great brother!   Group shot!

A little extra help

I had heard that age 8 was when a mom feels like a child can really help out around the house.  I must have an exceptional child because Jonah has become very helpful at 7 1/2!  :)    I kept asking him to load the washing machine, and then one day I heard it running!  He took it upon himself to start the machine as well.  A couple of quick lessons and he was good to go.  We are working on load size.  At first two shirts constituted a load.  Then after explaining water waste he tried washing every piece of cloth in the house at once.  It was amazing to me how helpful the extra pair of hands has been the last couple weeks.  I am loving that this is still an exciting new chore that he is eager to help with!     I taught him how to make scrambled eggs, and Jonah now thinks he is the scrambled egg master. He would making them twice a day if I would let him.  Egg consumption in our home was high, a...