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Showing posts from August, 2011

Moms say...

When I was in Jr High my mom found this really funny article by Erma Bombeck about treating kids and friends the same.  I actually have been writing down some of  the crazy things that I say during the day.  Here is a sample.. "Who put put their fingers in the butter?  Stop eating butter!" "Put down the bat and stop hitting your bother like a pinata." "Put the stick down and stop hitting the van. " "Stop hugging her so tight,  I think her head is going to pop off." "Whoa, that was a lot of raisins. Would you like a banana?" "Yes, Honey, I am sorry."  (The question was "Mommy did you fall asleep sitting there while I was talking to you again?") "Sit down please...sit on your bottom...Honey, where is your bottom? Please sit on it!" Reading the list made me smile, and I just had to dig up the old Bombeck article.  Here's to you Mom! Erma Bombeck: On TV the other day, a leading child psychologis...

Elise has Allergies?

I took Elise to the doctor today because I thought something wasn't quite right.  She has been fussy the last couple of days (It is funny how relative the term "fussy" is-these would have been really good days for a couple of my other babies!) She has been making a couple funny little sounds and woke up screaming at 4:00 this morning.  She eats fine as long as she was on pain reliever otherwise she just sucks a few times and cries.  I felt a little silly taking her in without a fever, but she had Hand, Foot and Mouth a couple of weeks ago, and I wondered if something was connected to that.  Turns out Dr. Van Roekel thinks that she has seasonal allergies.  She has some serious post nasal drip going on.  For the most part he wants us to keep her inside with the AC on until pollen counts go down.  Ragweed is highest at dawn and dusk so hold off on the after breakfast and after supper walks.  She is not really old enough for meds howev...