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Showing posts from April, 2010

April Showers and May Flowers

I cannot believe that we are almost done with April!  Spring has sprung and we are busy with all the fun things that that brings!  It is birthday season here and I am buying gifts and planning parties.  We have also started organized sports.  Jonah is in T-ball and I think that the direct quote is "It's AWESOME!"  I am glad that you add this craziness one kid at a time.  I know we will figure it out, but how do parents with more than one kid in a sport do it? Audrey is ready to be three.  She is practicing holding up three fingers.  The other day we were practicing all her info.  What is your name?  Where do you live?  etc.  When I asked her what her daddy's name was she replied, "Uncle Jordie!"  She loves hanging out with her older girl cousins.  For a girl who gives orders on a regular basis it is nice to watch her take a few too!  She will follow them anywhere! To say that Reuben loves the war...

From the mouth of babes

I was trying to explain the importance of keeping our hands out of our mouth while in line at Sam's Club this week.  "Our hands have germs, and germs will make you very sick!"  (Yuck, can you imagine the germs on their hands after shopping at Sam's!)  Audrey got very serious and said, "Did Grandpa Brouwer put his hands in his mouth?" Audrey always watches me put my make up.  She finds it fascinating.  The other day she asked my mom "Do you have an eyeball brush?"  (mascara)

Happy Easter!

I am so tried; we had another rapid weekend with family for Easter. Last week Jordan worked an insane amount of hours so he took off Friday to get some yard work done. He also caught a nap in the recliner with Audrey. It was so sweet! I have been told that this week will not be as intense! It was a good week of reflection of how we have learned to communicate in stressful weeks like this. Nine years of marriage and we are still learning, but at least we have made progress! We are so thankful during weeks like this that we live so close to Jordan's work so that we can sneak time in with daddy even if in passing! The kids and I spent the week doing daily Easter egg hunts with the Resurrection Eggs from Family Life. There is a really good book that goes along with it, and I think that it was helpful to go through the story slowly.  I would reccomend it for young kids for sure.  We will do it again next year.  Saturday we headed down to my parents' house. They were "gracio...

No forgiveness here!

Jonah loves "Little Critter" books and was "reading" them to his brother and sister this morning. He was in the middle of I'm Sorry. Each time he would say what Little Critter did wrong and say "I'm sorry," and Audrey kept replying "I forgive you." Jonah rolled his eyes at her and said, "No, in this book we don't have to forgive!" :)